Invest successfullyin real estate

Investing in commercial real estate is one of the most effective ways to secure a steady stream of revenues. We will find a property with the greatest potential based on your individual needs, as well as assist you in preparing and executing the transaction.

How we work
with buyers

Market research and information analysis

  • We provide you with consultation on the
    real estate market in Latvia, as well as
    legislation and taxes
  • We guide you through the specifics of
    doing business in Latvia, and the procedure for property purchase and
    company registration
  • We can perform an independent initial
    analysis of any property upon the request

Selection of property and decision-making

  • We carefully analyse your needs and
  • We offer a variety of options based on
    your preferences and requirements
  • We organise site visits of selected
    properties and provide additional
  • We assist you in analysing and comparing
  • We advise in your decision-making
    regarding the purchase

Transaction support

  • We arrange negotiations and maintain
    communication between the parties
  • We help parties to reach an agreement on the terms of the transaction
  • We develop the structure of the
  • We organise technical, legal and financial
    due diligence of the property
  • We coordinate the process of drafting,
    concluding and executing the contracts at
    all stages of the transaction, up to its
    successful completion
Interested in buying commercial real estate?
КОММЕРЧЕСКАЯ НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ В ЛАТВИИ Персональный подход к покупке и продаже недвижимости COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE IN LATVIA A personalised approach to buying and selling real estate KOMERCĪPAŠUMI LATVIJĀ Individuāla pieeja īpašumu iegādei un pārdošanai Silver Fox
МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions) МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions) МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions)