
Successfully operating shopping centre with adjacent covered car park…

This historic hotel in the very heart of Rīga remained unsold for a long time because of strained relations between the owners, and other complications. One building was owned by a Latvian company, which belonged to a Swedish holding company

The property was encumbered by rent agreements recorded in the Land Register. Additionally, certain adjustments had to be made because of the identity of the seller: one of the biggest Christian communities in Latvia.

The property owner resided in the USA and had delegated the signing of the deal to their representatives. The property was already under contract for sale when the owner suddenly withdrew from the transaction with this buyer for personal reasons

МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions) МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions) МЫ РЯДОМ С ВАМИ НА ВСЕХ ЭТАПАХ СДЕЛКИ Silver Fox — ваш партнер на рынке недвижимости Латвии с 2004 года. Мы предлагаем элегантные решения в работе с недвижимостью (Smart Property Solutions). ESAM JUMS BLAKUS VISOS DARĪJUMA POSMOS Silver Fox Ir Jūsu Partneris Latvijas Nekustamo īpašumu Tirgū Jau Kopš 2004. Gada. Mēs Piedāvājam Elegantus Risinājumus Nekustamo īpašumu Darījumos (Smart Property Solutions)